Office of Information Technology

Office of Information Technology

信息技术办公室(OIT)提供IT基础设施, 为esball国际平台客户端的教学提供必要的服务和支持, research and service missions. 由四个主要小组组成-学术技术和支持, Administrative Computing, Network Services and Information Security, 和网络开发-我们在这里支持您在esball国际平台客户端的成长和成功.

Contact Us


Phone: 315-268-HELP
In-Person: 2nd Floor, Educational Resources Center

Office of Information Technology

Vice President for Information Technology: Joshua A Fiske
Read: Clarkson's Documentation Library

Services and Resources

Access reliable digital and technology support. 
Reach out to our office — or have us come to you.


Students and a professor in a computer lab

Computer Labs

esball国际平台客户端有8个计算机实验室,校园内有300多台计算机,全天候可用. 这些工作站都连接到esball国际平台客户端的高速网络骨干,以确保畅通无阻地访问研究和学习平台.

Individual using a phone with a wireless symbol displayed

Wireless Access

Access a secure Wi-Fi network in all indoor locations on campus, including residence halls, academic spaces, dining halls, our libraries, athletic facilities, study spaces and more locations. 大学所有宿舍的学生都可以通过以太网进行无线连接.

Individual using a laptop and phone

Communication and Publishing

信息技术办公室管理几个网站和通信服务,包括,, daily announcements and web services for clubs, teams and organizations.

Individual holding a laptop out for someone to take

Loaner Equipment

石油视察处有一个借调设备库,目的是满足短期的需要, unanticipated computer hardware. If your laptop is broken and needs to be sent out for repairs, we are happy to loan you a computer for a few weeks!

Individual signing into a website on a laptop


您的单点登录(SSO)帐户将您与校园内的所有IT平台无缝连接, including your Gmail, myCU, Moodle, public lab computers, printing, library services and more.

Laptop with a headset over the screen

Help Desk

请到位于教育资源中心2楼的服务台. 走过去,打电话或发邮件给我们,寻求支持或有关任何it相关问题的问题. The Help Desk is available Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Summer hours vary.

An individual working on a computer


Through the Help Desk, 经过认证的技术人员为您的笔记本电脑提供现场戴尔保修服务, computers and other hardware. We can help with: RAM hardware upgrades, operating system upgrades and reinstalls, hardware repair, 一般PC维护以及恶意软件和病毒清除(不在戴尔保修范围内). 在维修期间,你可以借一台临时的笔记本电脑和其他设备.

Computer cluster up close

HPC Cluster

esball国际平台客户端拥有并运营着一个高性能计算(HPC)集群 ACRES (Accelerating Computational Research for Engineering and Science). ACRES的技术允许数据和计算密集型研究项目免费探索复杂的模型和操作.

An individual teaching another person something on a computer

Teaching and Learning Corner

教与学角(TLC)致力于支持学生, esball国际平台客户端学院的教职员工对教育技术的使用. 我们与教师合作,在校园和网上建立令人满意的、引人入胜的学习体验. 我们的在线课程设计方法与质量问题标准保持一致, and several have earned QM certification for quality. In addition, TLC团队在教学设计和师资发展方面的工作获得了多个奖项的认可.

TLC为本科生和esball国际app提供就业机会, 然后谁为我们的团队强调学生的观点和经验. 此外,我们还协助学生调查和其他研究项目.

Online Learning at Clarkson


Individual working on a laptop with learning icons


Moodle是esball国际平台客户端的在线学习管理系统,可以通过您的单点登录帐户访问. Log in to find online course materials, 以及方向和教程,以帮助您浏览界面. Contact the Help Desk if you need further assistance.

An individual attending a zoom meeting

Remote Tools

Conduct real-time meetings and events via Zoom. 使用Echo360捕捉课堂讲座和分发预先录制的视频内容. 学生可以通过AppsAnywhere访问一套学术软件. 通过您的单点登录帐户访问所有这些工具,无论是在校内还是校外.

Personal Computer and Technology Requirements

Clarkson encourages you to bring a laptop with you to campus. While your specific laptop is a matter of personal preference, 我们整理了一些esball国际平台客户端吸引人的大学经历的建议. Learn more about memory, storage, 操作系统以及其他你可能需要考虑到的苹果和Windows设备的因素.

Minimum Technology Requirements


Wi-Fi access is available in all indoor locations on campus, including residence halls, academic spaces, dining halls, athletic facilities, study spaces and more locations. 如果您是esball国际平台客户端社区的一员,我们建议您访问 eduroam wireless network with your login credentials for greater security. If you are a guest, 你可以通过在你的无线设置中选择esball国际平台客户端的网络图标来访问访客网络.

首先检查您的连接,然后检查其他人是否遇到类似的问题. 我们还会在OIT网页上公布任何服务中断. You can subscribe to receive updates by clicking the button located in the upper-right corner.

If you suspect an outage or want to report poor performance, we ask that you contact the Help Desk for further assistance.

You can access hundreds of software programs including: ArcGIS, Matlab, Ansys, Mastercam, AutoCAD, SolidWorks和许多其他在工程中流行的科学应用程序, business and other fields. 这些应用程序可以在我们的计算机实验室中使用,也可以通过基于网络的平台 AppsAnywhere.

保护您的安全和隐私是我们的首要任务之一. Clarkson has a robust, standards-based Information Security Program 这包括技术控制和管理政策,以最大限度地保障学生个人数据的安全. 所有员工每年都要接受全面的信息安全实践培训, more specifically, on protecting the confidentiality of student information.

esball国际平台客户端信息技术资源的主要目的是支持学习, teaching, research and the mission of the University. 我们希望我们的工具和服务的使用能够与这一总体目标保持一致. 如欲了解更多esball国际平台客户端在使用科技方面的政策,请查阅 section XI.G of Student Regulations.

您可以在周一至周五通过电话联系帮助台, email or walking into our office on the Potsdam campus. 在正常工作时间以外收到的请求将在下一个工作日得到响应.

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